Program Objectives
This program is designed to help preschool teachers recognize the elements that support their students' social development at a conceptual level, recognize how society and culture influence social development in early childhood, and practice designing instructional materials and learning environments with this awareness in mind. Our program is designed to help our teachers, and through them our students whom we prepare for the future with hope, as well as their parents to develop awareness and learn how living peacefully with differences can enrich social life through a non-judgmental attitude for an equal future. The program aims to change behavior and attitudes by going beyond the level of awareness. To this end, it was designed to include long-term and different studies.
The following topics are covered in the training program:
- Factors Influencing Social Development in Early Childhood and Conceptual Information
- The Influence of Environment and Culture on Social Development
- Causes of violence, social impact, and prevention methods,
- Classroom Environment, Play Tools, and Classroom Activities to Support Social Development in Early Childhood
- Exemplary Behaviors
- Long-Term Effects of Optimal Social Development
- Characteristics and Examples of Application of Anti-Bias Programs in Early Childhood
Who Can Participate in the Program?
Preschool teachers and administrators working in public schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education can apply to the program.
Duration and Timing of the Program
The program will begin on March 2022. After completing the 6-day training program, participants can benefit from the mentoring process for two months.
In this process, teachers are expected to present their portfolios by organizing the learning environment specific to the program and implementing it with their students in the classroom, attend mentoring meetings once a month to share their progress and needs, and attend the expert meeting which will be held for once by involving the parents in the process. They will have the opportunity to support their students' social development holistically at home and school.
* Synchronous: Synchronous sessions that require online participation at the specified time.
* Asynchronous: Non-synchronous sessions that can be completed at any time within the program process, depending on the individual.
Certificate of Participation
Our program consists of two phases. The first is the training phase. In this phase, participants who have completed the asynchronous content of the program on time and attended all synchronous sessions can access the MEB (MoNE) Seminar Certificate digitally through their personal MEBBİS pages.
The second phase of the program refers to the implementation phase of the program. In this phase, participants who complete the monthly tasks will receive a digital certificate of participation from ÖRAV.
The fulfillment of these two phases signifies the holistic completion of the program.
Platform for Education
The training will be held on the Teachers Academy Foundation's e-learning platform eKampüs at www.ekampus.orav.org.tr.
Mentor Meetings will be held via Microsoft Teams.
Applications for the program will be open in February 2022.
Applications for the training program are accepted through the Ministry of National Education Information Systems (MEBBİS): https://mebbis.meb.gov.tr/
This training program can take place in MEBBİS at the same time in several groups and with different activity numbers. On the page where you register, you will first see the quota and the number of registrations. When this number is full, you can register for groups that have different activity numbers for the same date, which will make it easier for you to attend the training.
You can email [email protected] if you have questions or need assistance.
This training program was launched in 2021 in partnership with Garanti BBVA and continues to be supported by Garanti BBVA.