Program Objectives
With this program, the aim is for teachers and students to scientifically understand the concept of "happiness" and its components, to strengthen their well-being with education and other activities, and to develop a realistic and optimistic thinking habit that they can use throughout their lives. Thus, it is expected that individual happiness attitudes will increase and there will be an increase in social interaction and well-being through interactions and work.
The program aims to target behavior and attitude change by going beyond awareness levels. Therefore, it is designed to include long-term and different activities. In addition, for our teachers, it provides a learning opportunity by experiencing many tools, activities, and methods that they can use in face-to-face or distance education throughout their professional careers.
The following topics will be covered during the educational program:
- Conceptual Knowledge of Happiness and PERMA Model
- Positive Emotions and Social-Emotional Learning Control List
- PERMA Model Components within the Scope of Positive Psychology
- 6 Universal Values and 24 Character Traits in Positive Psychology Applications in Education
- Relationship Between Social and Emotional Learning and Character Strengths in Education and Classroom Practice Examples
Personal Goal Plan
Who Can Participate in the Program?
All teachers working in state schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education can apply for the program.
Duration and Timing of the Program
Synchronous: Synchronous sessions that require participation online at the specified time.
Asynchronous: Sessions that can be completed at any time according to the person during the program process.
The duration of the education is six days in total. Participants are expected to participate in a two-month mentoring process, one evening per month for two hours with their students and parents, and to apply them in their classrooms by involving their students and parents in activities such as watching webinars, 30 Goals, and Happiness Diary. (Watching webinars, completing 30 Goals, Happiness Diary, etc.)
Certificate of Attendance
Participants who complete the program's asynchronous content on time and attend all synchronous sessions will be able to access the MEB Seminar Certificate digitally from their personal MEBBIS pages.
Learning Platform
The education will be provided through the Teachers Academy Foundation's e-learning platform eKampüs at www.ekampus.orav.org.tr
You can send an email to [email protected] for your questions and support needs.
This training program started in 2021 in collaboration with Algida and is still supported by Algida.