Active Learning Techniques (Asynchronous)

Program Objectives

Active learning is a process that contributes to individuals' active participation in the learning process, taking responsibility for the learning process, and developing decision-making, self-regulation, and higher-level thinking skills.

The main objective of the education is to increase participants' knowledge and skills in Active Learning Techniques.

Throughout the program, the following topics will be covered:

  • What is Active Learning Method?
  • Why should Active Learning Method be used?
  • Techniques Used in Active Learning Method
  • Quick Tour
  • Snowball
  • Pass the Ball
  • Talking Pen
  • Popcorn
  • Learning Network
  • Free Association
  • Cornering
  • Yes-No Card
  • Card Show
  • My View
  • Idea Box
  • Aquarium
  • Mini Aquarium
  • World Café
  • Paper Cycle
  • Speaking Ring
  • Learning Gallery
  • Gallery Walk

Who can participate in the program?

All teachers working in state schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education can apply to the program.

Duration and Duration and Schedule: 

Active Learning Techniques Education is designed in an asynchronous structure. Our colleagues who participate in the training can benefit from the training that will remain open for 15 days according to their own progress plans.

Certificate of Attendance:

Participants who complete the training will be able to access the MEB Seminar Certificate digitally from their personal MEBBIS pages.

Learning Platform:

Training will be conducted on the Teachers Academy Foundation's e-learning platform eKampüs at


Applications are received through the Ministry of National Education Information Systems (MEBBIS):

This training program can be included in MEBBIS simultaneously in multiple groups with different activity numbers. Checking the quota and application numbers specified on the page you enter to make an application, and if this number is full, applying to different groups with different activity numbers planned for the same date will facilitate your participation in the training.

For questions and support needs, you can send an email to

This training program is designed and presented to you with ORAV's own resources.